The Doctors Answer

Uplifting Stories That Help Bring Up Hope in COVID-19 Times

Written by Benjamin Pure | Jul 10, 2020 7:33:10 AM

The Coronavirus pandemic continues to claim lives, yet signs of hope are emerging. New drugs are being tested, vaccine trials are underway, and many patients are responding to experimental blood plasma treatments. To add
to this positive news, we’d like to share some uplifting stories from coronavirus survivors that will help make these distressing days a little more bearable.

A 104-year-old Spanish Flu Survivor Beats the Coronavirus

It was established quite early in the pandemic that the disease risks rise with age group. 80% of COVID-19 deaths in the USA are among people 65 years and older, and the global statistics are consistent with these findings, making the news of elderly survivors even more powerful. One of the stories that shine a ray of hope on senior patients is that of Ada Zanusso, a 104-year-old Italian woman who beat Spanish flu in 1918 and now combated coronavirus. Remarkably, Mrs. Zanusso is not the only centenarian to have overcome the disease.

A Newborn Recovers From COVID-19 in Turkey

While evidence suggests that children are less vulnerable to the virus, they can still contract it, and there have been confirmed cases of fatalities among the youngest. Fortunately, kids make a small fraction of coronavirus cases, and we have already seen numerous instances of recovery among little patients. Quite recently, Turkey shared the marvelous news about a Syrian newborn named Aziz, who was diagnosed with coronavirus in the very first days of his life. Now, after a month-struggle with the disease, the baby tested negative and was released from the hospital.

The First Indian Patient Treated With Plasma Therapy Returns Home

In March, India’s authorities imposed the record 21-day total lockdown (later extended to 40 days) in an attempt
to curb contagion in a state of 1.3 billion people. While opinions vary over the efficiency of the strict measures imposed by the government, the country’s relatively low count is puzzling, and many attribute it to the low testing rates. Nevertheless, officially, India’s recovery rate keeps improving and now stands at 23%. Among the survivors
is a 49-year-old Delhi patient who was the first person in India to receive plasma therapy treatment
on compassionate grounds, and has been discharged from hospital in stable condition.

A Pregnant Woman in Cincinnati Recovers and Gives Birth
to a Healthy Boy

There’s no evidence that pregnant women are more likely to contract the virus, and COVID-19 has not been so far associated with an increased risk of spontaneous abortion and spontaneous preterm birth. However, navigating through a pregnancy during the disease is extremely challenging, especially that no reliable evidence recommends any specific treatment. Even so, multiple pregnant COVID-19 patients gave birth to a healthy child and survived
the disease. One story that has caught particular interest is that of 27-year-old Megan Sites who developed severe coronavirus symptoms while being pregnant and had to go into labor on a ventilator. Happily, thanks
to an incredible effort of doctors from the University of Cincinnati Medical Center, both, she and her prematurely born child have recovered and are doing well now.

Cancer-stricken Four-year-old Boy Cured of COVID-19

Cancer is among health conditions that put patients at high-risk for severe coronavirus illness and death,
and patients treated with immunotherapy appear to be particularly vulnerable. Research also points out that
the effect of the virus on cancer sufferers differs depending on their age, cancer type and stage, and applied treatment. Yet even for patients with uncommon or aggressive cancer symptoms contracting coronavirus
is not necessarily a death sentence. An English four-year-old, Archie Wilks, managed to survive coronavirus despite battling neuroblastoma, giving other cancer sufferers
and their families a reason to be hopeful.

Egyptian Family of Five Fights Off the Virus

Although self-isolation is a critical precautionary measure to slow down the spread of COVID-19, in crowded households, it’s near-impossible. When a large or multi-generational family shares the communal kitchen, bathroom, and other facilities, the risk of household transmission is growing exponentially. Such was the case for this Egyptian family where five family members contracted the disease. Luckily, all of them—the father, mother, and three young children—were treated and cured of the virus.

One-Third of COVID-19 Patients in Africa Have Recovered

So far, the number of reported deaths on the continent has been lower than elsewhere
but African countries are experiencing rising cases. Governments are not taking the virus spread lightly; many have closed their borders and implement similar containment measures as Asia or Europe earlier on. Despite concerns over the looming pandemic threat in Africa, the latest report by the Africa Centers for Disease Control
and Prevention indicates that out of 33,000 patients diagnosed with coronavirus so far, over 10,000 have already been treated.

Through This Together

In these times of turmoil, the entire healthcare community is going beyond capabilities to contain the threat, working selflessly and around the clock to provide care to patients and their families. It’s thanks to you, heroes
in scrubs and uniforms, that we can share these powerful stories of successful COVID-19 recoveries. A huge ‘Thank you!’ for your amazing effort in this unprecedented crisis!