Jul 24, 2018 4:40:00 PM Benjamin Pure

When It’s Good To Be Redundant – Ensuring 99.999 Uptime For An Industry That Doesn’t Sleep

The importance of network redundancy is simple: if you have only a single point of connection and it fails you, then you are completely “down” until that connection can be ...

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Jun 18, 2018 9:34:00 AM Benjamin Pure

Four Low Cost Strategies To Grow A Medical Practice

Building and sustaining a successful medical practice requires a balance of client retention and new client acquisition. No medical practice – no matter how robust or established ...

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May 4, 2018 12:35:00 PM Benjamin Pure

You Ask. The Doctors Answer. Is Bedside Manner Really That Important?

While good outcomes are the top priority for patients and providers, the way a patient perceives they are treated by their healthcare provider is nearly as important to them. And ...

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Apr 16, 2018 1:02:00 PM Benjamin Pure

Boomers On Call – A Generation Demanding Instant Health Care Gratification

The baby boomer generation – the term used to describe the 75 million individuals born between 1946 and 1964 – are making choices when it comes to their healthcare that will ...

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Mar 4, 2018 4:10:00 PM Benjamin Pure

Healthcare Cramming – Dealing With Seasonal Needs That Lead To Busy Medical Office Chaos

If you’ve ever worked in a retail environment, you know that “the holiday season” – from November through December – is notoriously busy. Retail businesses stock up on extra ...

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Feb 11, 2018 2:06:00 PM Benjamin Pure

Dr. Downtime Says: “Yes, You Can Go On Vacation.”

Summer’s over, and if you were too busy to take a vacation or let your staff have some time off, you are not alone. The Project Time Off Coalition conducted a study and found that ...

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Jan 10, 2018 5:09:00 AM Benjamin Pure

Texting & HIPAA. OMG.

While texting is an easy form of communication, unfortunately it’s not ideal for the medical world. At the end of the day, texting and HIPAA do not go hand-in-hand. Learn about ...

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